We're all about
All of our team members have personally gone through relocation process themselves and understand the needs and challenges of the families upon making the move.

Aya Shmueli Levkovitz, Founder
Aya has been residing in the Silicon Valley from 2007. Founded Ogen Relocation in 2011.
Has worked at the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco as the Israeli House Director, where she was responsible for the overall cultural and social activities offered to Israelis in the states of California and Washington.
In this framework she was exposed to the Jewish and Israeli communities, the local education system and the relevant governmental systems that operate within this scope.
Before relocating to the US, Aya was the Director of Customer Liaison and Customer Service at the telecommunication company 013 Barak and Strategic Projects Manager at the placement company Jobinfo.
Aya holds a Master Degree in Human Resources Management from the Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
Noa Friedman, CEO
Noa has been residing in the Silicon Valley from 2012.
Highly involved in the Israeli community’s social and cultural life.
Before arriving to the US, Noa was an Investment Department Manager at Leumi Bank, one of the largest banks in Israel, and was a certified Investment Advisor, licensed by the Israeli Securities Authority.
Noa holds MBA from the College of Management, Israel.

Ella Barak – Relocation Expert, South Bay-Peninsula, Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
Ella has been residing in the Silicon Valley from 2010.
Acted as a Board Member of WIZO, Women’s International Zionist Organization, on her first years in the Bay Area.
Before arriving to the US Ella served in various positions in startup companies – Office Manager, Sales Operation Manager, Account Manager and Personal Assistant to CEO. Prior to that Ella was a Leading Editor at one of Israel’s largest internet news website.
Ella holds a Bachelor Degree in Communications, Cum Laude, from the Open University, Israel.

Lee Pinzy – Relocation Expert, South Bay, San Jose
Lee has been residing in the Silicon Valley from 2008.
Before her arrival to the US Lee was an Intelligence Analyst under the Department of Homeland Security of Israel.
Lee holds a Bachelor Degree in Middle Eastern Studies and Islam from Tel Aviv University, Israel.

Efrat Shoresh – Relocation Expert, San Francisco
Efrat has been residing in San Francisco from 2014. Joined Ogen in 2016.
Before arriving to the US, Efrat worked as a Life Coach and a Business Coach. Prior to that Efrat was a Head Producer for leading Israeli channels.
Efrat Holds a Bachelor Degree in Arts and Theatre Directing from Tel Aviv University, Teaching Credentials and Professional Certificate in Life and Business Coaching from Tut Coach Institute, Israel.

Liat Zisman- Relocation Expert, South Bay
Liat has been residing in the Silicon Valley since 2012. She has worked in a variety of educational systems in the Bay Area and volunteered in many of the Israeli community events and projects. In addition, Liat is a volunteer in the ‘Eran’ Association, a unique Israeli association that provides emotional support and counseling to people in distress.
Liat holds a bachelor's degree in Social work.